Thursday, January 27, 2011

Debugging JavaScript

The tools available to web developers have grown a lot in the last 5 years. Time was, the only way to debug JavaScript was to pepper your code with alert statements. Now you can get a variety of plugins and tools that allow you to examine HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and other elements of a web page. Here are some of the better tools out there:

One of the best debugging tools out there. Allows you to inspect and modify html elements and style. Comes with a great JavaScript debugger and allows you to examine network usage. Available as an add on for Firefox. (Note if you're using Firefox 4.0 beta make sure you are using version 1.7 of firebug and Firefox 4.0 beta 10 as previous versions are broken)
Internet Explorer Developer Toolbar
Let's face it, if you've developed any kind of web applications, you've grown to despise IE. With its quirks and non standard implementation of all things html, css, and JavaScript , IE is one of the biggest pain points for any web developer. The internet explorer developer toolbar tries to ease some of that pain by providing the ability to examine html and make modifications to style
Visual Studio
A decent tool for debugging JavaScript in IE. Can be a bit of a pain, but contains everything a debugger should: call stack, breakpoints, watch variables, and quick watch.
Chrome Developer Tools
One of the easiest browsers to develop for, also comes with a great set of developer tools. View and change html elements, trace styles, debug JavaScript like a pro, examine loaded resources including XHR content. It also provides optimization and performance analysis

All of these tools are great, but what prompted me to write this blog entry is another great tool out there, JSFiddle. If you've ever tried debugging a small JS problem you know it's a real pain to constantly update your code, reload the page and step through a multitude of lines that your page might contain. JSFiddle provides a great way to isolate problem code and debug it. JSFiddle allows you to enter your HTML, CSS, and JavaScript then run it all in one page. It also allows you to easily load different versions of most of the common OSS JS frameworks that exist. Not only that, but it also provides versioning of your "fiddles". If you haven't signed up for an account I highly recommend it. You don't need an account to use the site, but if you want to save and share your fiddles you will need to have an account.

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